Free anti-virus curing at www freedrweb com

Released on = September 6, 2006, 1:48 am

Press Release Author = Doctor Web, Ltd.

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = Doctor Web, Ltd., a leading Russian developer of Dr.Web
anti-virus programs, announces the opening of a new web-based resource introducing
free of charge anti-virus services by Dr.Web.

Press Release Body = Among the fre anti-virus services provided by Doctor Web, Ltd.
the free curing utility CureIt! has gained the utmost popularity. This utility can
be run even on an infected computer and cure it back to the original state. At the
moment, CureIt! is localized to more than 20 languages and widely used across the
world. Visit to familiarize yourself with the full version of the
program and download a copy of this curing utility, which is constantly brought up
to date as long as hot add-ons to Dr.Web anti-virus bases are released.
Besides the CureIt! section, the new site includes other sections. In the �Link
checkers� a free on-line scan of links on web pages makes it possible to scan for
viruses any web page before it opens in a browser or any file before its download to
your PC. Web-sites section contains a collection of forms with HTML-codes for online
scan of files for viruses before they are sent off to web-sites. And what is more,
in this section cautious Internet users can always bring themselves up-to-date on
the virus top ten.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Lucia Gourtocaya, + 7 - 495 - 789 45-97

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